Prospect is a program for Windows 10 and above that is intended to help woodland designers to rapidly produce 3D
visualisations of woodland proposals. Prospect generates 3D images both as visualizations of digital terrain models
and as photo-montages. The images can either be for a fixed moment in time or for an evolving sequence over years and decades.
The program is designed for use in Scotland, England and Wales.
The speed and simplicity involved in generating the images makes it feasible to use 3D imagery in the early design and consultation process.
Prospect can also be used to help to assess the visual impact of wind farms, solar farms, and power lines.

Close-up woodland view.

Prospect can generate animations of windfarms.

Typical mixed woodland view.

Orthographic view.

Deer fence.

Photo-montage, in this example using a black-and-white photo with coloured project woodlands.